
ABSTRACT We have identified a broad absorption line (BAL) outflow in the HST/STIS spectrum of the quasar QSO B0254-3327B at velocity v = −3200 km s−1. The outflow has absorption troughs from ions such as Ne viii, Na ix, Si xii, and Ne v. We also report the first detection of S xiv absorption troughs, implying very high ionization. Via measurement of the ionic column densities, photoionization analysis, and determination of the electron number density of the outflow, we found the kinetic luminosity of the outflow system to be up to ∼1 per cent of the quasar’s Eddington luminosity, or ∼5 per cent of the bolometric luminosity, making it a potential contributor to AGN feedback. A solution with two ionization phases was needed, as a single phase was not sufficient to satisfy the constraints from the measured ionic column densities. We find that the ionization parameter of the very high-ionization phase of the outflow is within the expected range of an X-ray warm absorber. We also examined the physical properties of the outflow of Q0254-334 along with previously studied extreme UV outflows, with a total sample of 24 outflow systems, finding a weak negative correlation between outflow velocity and distance from the central source, with larger distances corresponding to slower velocities. The very high-ionization phase of the Q0254-334 outflow has one of the highest ionization parameters of UV absorption outflows to date, which we attribute to the presence of S xiv.

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