
Bu calismada bal kabaklarinda Kabak sari mozaik virusune (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV) karsi bazi bitki aktivatorlerinin etkisi belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Ankara’da 2010 yilinda yapilan surveyler sonucunda ZYMV, DAS-ELISA yontemi ile hastalik belirtilerini gosteren bal kabaklarinda saptanmistir. Calismada Kazan ilcesi bal kabaklarindan izole edilen ZYMV izolati (ZYMV K19) kullanilmistir. Calismada acibenzolar-s-methyl (Actigard) ve ISR-2000 bitki aktivatorlerinin degisik dozlarda kontrollu sera kosullarinda ZYMV’nin sebep oldugu hastaliga karsi etkinlikleri belirlenmistir. Bal kabaklari Actigard ve ISR-2000 uygulandiktan 72 ve 96 saat sonra ZYMV ile enfekte edilmistir. Bu bitkiler kontrol bitkilerine gore simptom cikis suresi, bitki boyu ve yaprak genisligi bakimindan bitki ciceklenme asamasina gelene kadar takip edilmis ve elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmistir. Actigard 1.5 mg/80 ml, 3 mg/80 ml, 6 mg/80 ml, 8 mg/80 ml, 12 mg/80 ml ve 16 mg/80 ml dozlarinda uygulanmis ve 6 mg/80 ml ve 8 mg/80 ml dozlari virus simptomlarini 5-21 gun geciktirmistir. ISR–2000 ise denenen konsantrasyonlarda virus simptomlari uzerine olumlu ya da olumsuz bir etkide bulunmamis, ancak bitki gelisimi uzerine olumlu etki yaratmistir. Aktivator uygulanan bitkilerde tesvik edilmis dayanikliliktan dolayi meydana gelen lignin sentezi ile H2O2 (hidrojenperoksit) birikimi yapilan histokimyasal boyamalar ile degerlendirilmistir. ISR 2000 bal kabaklarinda lignin olusumunu Actigard’ a gore daha cok, Actigard ise H2O2 olusumunu ISR 2000’e gore daha cok tesvik etmistir.Abstract In this study, the effects of some plant activators against Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) in pumpkins were determined. In the results of surveys conducted in Ankara in 2010, ZYMV was detected in symptomatic pumpkins by DAS-ELISA tests. In the study, ZYMV was isolated from the pumpkins in Kazan district of Ankara. The plant activators acibenzolar s-methyl (Actigard) and ISR-2000 were used in this study. Effects of the activators were determined under controlled greenhouse conditions in respect to their different concentrations. Pumpkin seedlings were treated by acibenzolar s-methyl and ISR-2000 and then the treated pumpkins were inoculated by ZYMV 72 and 96 h after activator treatments. Both of ZYMV infected and control plants, in respect to symptom expression time, plants lengths and leaf width up to the plants flowering period were monitored. The data analyzed by using statistical methods. Actigard was sprayed on pumpkins at doses of 1.5 mg/80 ml, 3 mg/80 ml, 6 mg/80 ml, 8 mg/80 ml, 12 mg/80 ml, and 16 mg/80 ml. The doses of 6 mg/80 ml ve 8 mg/80 ml were delayed ZYMV symptoms for 5-21 days by comparing to positive controls. However, ISR-2000 was not affected the symptom expression in the treated concentrations while it positively affected the plant growth. Histochemical staining was applied to determine lignification and H2O2 accumulation in the plants due to systemic inducing resistance triggered by the activators. ISR 2000 induced high degree of lignification than Actigard. However, Actigard stimulated high levels of H2O2 production than ISR 2000.

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