
OZET: Calismada ana ari yasi ve koloni populasyon gucleri esitlenerek, uc farkli gruba ayrilan 30 adet koloni kullanilmistir. Birinci gruptaki 10 koloniye 08:00-12:00 saatleri, ikinci gruptaki 10 koloniye ise 10:00-12:00 saatleri arasinda 6 hafta boyunca her gun, kovan ucus tahtasi uzerine monte edilebilen tipte polen tuzaklari takilmistir. Ucuncu gruba arastirma suresince polen tuzagi takilmamis, bu grup kontrol grubunu olusturmustur. Arastirma sonunda 08:00-12:00 saatleri arasinda polen tuzagi takilan kolonilerde ortalama arili cerceve sayisi 12.27±0.31 adet, yavrulu alan miktari 3.227.57±197.74 cm2, 10:00-12:00 saatleri arasinda polen tuzagi takilan kolonilerde ortalama arili cerceve sayisi 11.93±0.34 adet, yavrulu alan miktari 3.135.55±237.92 cm2, kontrol grubunda ise ortalama arili cerceve sayisi 12.53±0.28 adet, yavrulu alan miktari 3.174.18±187.04 cm2 olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirmada polen uretiminin bal arisi kolonilerinin gelisimine ve bal uretimine olumsuz etkisi gorulmemistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bal arisi, koloni gelisimi, polen tuzagi, bal, polen The Effect Of Pollen Collection Activity On Colony Development And Honey Yield In The Honey Bees ABSTRACT: During the investigation, totally 30 colonies were used and divided into three groups after been equalized for queen age and colony population strength. For 20 colonies of the first and second groups, during 6 weeks for every day between 08:00-12:00 hrs, the second group for every day between 10:00-12:00 hrs moveable pollen traps were mounted on enter of beehive. Pollen trap was not applied, for the third group, and these became control colonies. At the end of the investigation, for the first group with pollen traps the average number of bee frames was 12.27±0.31 items, and the brood area was 3227.57±197.74 cm2, the second group with pollen traps the average number of bee frames was 11.93±0.34 items, and the brood area was 3135.55±237.92 cm2. In the control group the number of bee frames was 12.53±0.28 per colony items, and the brood area was 3174.18±187.04cm2/colony.In the study, pollen traping did not show significant negative effect on the colony development and honey yield. Keywords: Honey bee, colony development, pollen traping, honey, pollen

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