
ABSTRACT Increasing the dietary fiber content of formulated foods will benefit the health and nutrition of consumers. The problem is that it is difficult to add substantial amounts of dietary fiber to formulated foods. Fiber absorbs significant amounts of water from surrounding ingredients creating texture problems such as soggy and dry patches in the foods. In this study, red wheat bran milled and sieved smaller than 140 microns was coated by spraying with a 50/50 emulsion of whey protein isolates (WPIs) and casein. WPI and casein emulsion was produced first by blending and shearing the milk proteins in ice and water and then evaporating under partial vacuum for 75 min at 45C. Cookies and muffins made with the milk protein-coated red wheat (MPCF) bran and the noncoated wheat bran (NCF), replacing 5, 10 and 15 wt % of the flour, were compared to control cookies and muffins made without added fiber. The water-holding capacity (WHC) of the MPCF and NCF was determined along with their moisture, color, hardness, and volume in the baked cookies and muffins. There was a significant (P < 0.01) improvement (250%) in loss of WHC of MPCF over NCF. In cookies, MPCF absorbed significantly less water and was slightly darker at 5 wt % substitution than NCF, but was between 12 to 60% higher in baked volume than the control. MPCF muffins were lighter in color and harder except for the 5 wt % muffins that were softer and higher in percent baked volume. Adding up to 15-g MPCF per 100 g batter can be added to baked cookies and muffins to increase fiber content and improve WHC and volume. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This study determined that coating wheat bran with specially treated dairy proteins reduced the amount of water the bran can absorb when added up to 15 wt% to formulations, or in the finished products, helping to maintain textural integrity of products. The intact wheat bran remains available for its functional health enhancing roles when consumed and digested. This knowledge allows the creation of nutritious high-fiber products with desirable texture.

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