
To Study the Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa of Shoola from Bhruhatrayi and Laghutrayi. Pain is defined as an Unpleas- ant feeling that is conveyed to Brain by Sensory Neurons. It is an Unpleasant Sensation localised to a part of Body. It is often described in terms of Penetrating or Tissue Destructive Process of Bodily or Emotional Reaction. Pain is main reason for visiting Doctor in 50%of cases. It is a major Symptom in many Medical Conditions and can interfere with Persons quality of Life and General Functioning. Acute Pain is usually managed with Medications such as Analgesic and Anesthetics. Caffeine, Ibuprofen, Ketamine, Opioids are some Pain killers used to treat Pain. In Modern Medicine there are few external treatments to reduce Pain like Spray, Ointment and Gels. But on contrary Ayurveda has many Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa (External Treatments) to reduce Shoola (Pain) like Ahangya (Anointing), Snehana (Oil Massage), Swedan (Sudation), etc. These External Treatments work at Site of Shoola gets absorbed at Skin by Bhrajaka Pitta and medicine reaches to each Tissue of the Body and reduces Shoola. The Popular Verse “Vatat Dhrute Nasit Ruja” means Without Vata Dosha there Cannot be Pain indicates involvement of Vata Dosha in every Pain. The Best Medicine of Vata Dosha is Sneha (Oil/Ghee/ Muscle Fat / Bone Marrow). Vata Dosha and Taila (Oil) both have Opposite Qualities. According to “Samanya Vishesha Siddhant” VataDosha- has Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Rough), Sukshma (Minute), Shita (Cold), Chala (Movable) Guna (Qualities) whereas Sneha (Taila) is Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous), Ushna (Warm) Guna. The Sneha reduces Vata Dosha and thereby helps in reducing Shoola. This Paper will emphasize on Types of Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa of Shoola, Number of Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa mentioned for particular type of Shoola and Mode of Action of Bahiparimar- jana Chikitsa. Keywords: Shoola, Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa, Sthanika Shoola, Vyadhijanya Shoola, Vegadharanajanya Shoola.

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