
2 . In the whole BPF, badger main setts were spaced regularly, with the nearest neighbour distance between active setts varying from 2.2 to 13.3 km (mean = 5.3 km, SD = 2.1). Surveys of 21 main setts during 1979-1999 (totally 171 sett-years) revealed that badgers occupied the setts in 68.4% of cases, raccoon dogs Nyctereutes procyonoides in 12.9%, and red foxes Vulpes vulpes in 7%. Joint utilisation of the same setts by badgers and raccoon dogs was recorded in 5.3% of cases. Reviewing the literature on badger densities in 35 localities in the Palaeartic region showed that badgers attained rather high densities on the British Isles (14.9 setts/10 km 2 , range 1.1-45.5; and 93.8 ind/10 km 2 , range 8.6-307.0) compared to continental Eurasia (1.7 setts/10 km 2 , range 0.4-6.5; and 6.3 ind/10 km 2 , range 1.6-15.2). The number of badgers inhabiting a sett increased with log density of setts. Densities of badger setts did not depend on latitude but were negatively correlated with forest cover

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