
Bacteriophages and the associated endolysins have been proposed as an alternative to antibiotic treatment of mastitis and metritis in cows. Many bacteriophages have been isolated and characterized with a large amount of lytic potential against the bacteria causing mastitis and metritis in cows. Several endolysins with marked lytic activity against mastitis pathogens in vitro were also produced from staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteriophages. In the few clinical studies, however, there has been marginal efficacy of bacteriophages in the therapy of mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Similarly, lytic bacteriophages have marked antimicrobial activity in vitro against E. coli strains from the uteri of postpartum dairy cows. In clinical studies, however, neither administration of bacteriophages early postpartum nor prepartum was effective in the prevention of metritis in cows. More clinical studies on the effectiveness of bacteriophages and the associated endolysins in the prevention and therapy of mastitis and metritis in cows, therefore, are needed.

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