
A v t P I c I L L I N is a safe and effective agent in the t r ea tmen t of Hemophilus influenzae meningitis . 1-~ No strains of Hemophilus influenzae which are resistant to ampicil l in have been isolated in the extensive studies by Wehr le and associates. 4, 5 However, 3 instances of bacter iologic relapse in HemophiIus influenzae meningit is t rea ted with ampici l l in have been r epor t ed2 -s I n one case of meningit is t rea ted by the oral route, 6 relapse was a t t r ibu ted to inadequa te concent ra t ion of ampici l l in in the cerebrospinal fluid. In ano ther pat ient , s relapse was also a t t r ibu ted to inadequa te concent ra t ion of the ant ibiot ic in the cerebrospinal fluid. I n a th i rd repor t 7 relapse was a t t r ibu ted to sequestra t ion of organisms at a site (cellulitis or e thmoidi t is) inaccessible or only par t ia l ly accessible to the drug; the second lumbar punc tu re in this last pa t ien t revealed ne i ther cells nor organisms. T h e following is the case repor t of an addi t ional infant who had a bacter iologic re-

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