
Two types of zeolites-natural clinoptilolite (NZ) and synthetic zeolite A (A)-were enriched with approx. 0.25mmol of Cu(II), Zn(II), or Ag(I) ions, and the obtained materials (M-Z) were tested against three different isolates of Escherichia coli. Two isolates were environmental isolates from waters in Serbia whereas the third one was DSM 498. Antibacterial activity was studied in different water media-nutrient-rich media (peptone water), water from Sava Lake, and commercially available spring water. The Ag-containing zeolites showed bactericidal activity in the nutrient-rich peptone water after 1h of contact. Cu- and Zn-containing zeolites showed bactericidal activity in real water samples. Antibacterial activity of the M-Z decreases in all three examined water media in the following order: Ag-NZ ≈ Ag-A > Cu-NZ ≈ Cu-A > Zn-NZ >>> Zn-A, suggesting that mainly the metal type and not the zeolite type have a role in the antibacterial activity. Leaching experiments showed small amounts of the leached Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions, indicating that the antibacterial activity is not due to the metal ions but should be attributed to the M-Z itself. However, leached amounts of Ag(I) from Ag-NZ and Ag-A in peptone water indicate that the released Ag(I) could be mainly responsible for the bactericidal effect of the Ag(I)-containing zeolites. Since no loss of cellular material was found, the antibacterial activity is not attributed to cytoplasmic membrane damage.

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