
The purpose of the present study was to was to determine the pathogenic bacterial spectrum and bacterial antibiotic resistance in maxillofacial region of Belarussian patients. Materials and methods. The study comprised inpatient who were treated by maxillofacial surgeons during 2014 in hospitals of Belarussian region: Brest, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno and Gomel. It was a retrospec-tive study, approval by the institution ethical committee. A microbiological sample was collected before antibiotic treatment. After meticulous disinfection of the skin around the planned extraoral incision site the aspiration of pus was attempted. If aspiration cannot be conducted, the samples were collected by swabbing the area after the incision and discharge of the pus. After sample collection, the material was immediately transported to the laboratory and further processed within 2 hours at the most. All speci-mens were then tested for the prevalence of the predominant bacteria and their antibiotic susceptibility Results. At the present stage in Belarussian hospitals the main agents isolating from inflammatory fo-cus of the maxillofacial region are streptococci, staphylococci, enterobacteria, that corresponds with the global data. On the basis of the major pathogen antibiotic resistance data the following antibiotics for initial therapy until the receiving the results of bacteriological tests can be recommended: clinda-mycin (effective against all studied pathogenic species), ceftriaxone, fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin). Conclusions. It is necessary to conduct further systematic monitoring of microflora in patients with inflam-matory diseases of maxillofacial area and studding the bacteria antibiotic resistance in order to improve the patient treatment efficiency.

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