
Indian arid regions recently witnessed large scale mortality in the Indian mesquite {Prosopis cineraria Druce}, locally known as Khejri tree, due to root rot caused by Ganoderma lucidum. Use of biological control agents offers an attractive alternative to manage Ganoderma induced diseases in Khejri tree, without any negative impact on the environment. Therefore, efforts were made to isolate antagonistic bacterial isolates from infected trees of P. cineraria. Several soil samples were analysed and two bacterial isolates: strains AZAC-1and AZ-11were selected as potential antagonists against G.lucidum from arid soils. Taxonomic identity of the two strains was ascertained using 16S rRNA in EzBioCloud. The strains showed over 99.7% similarity and were identified as Streptomyces sp.strain AZAC-1 (MK459414) and Bacillus sp.strain AZ-11(MH304296).

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