
Parasitic and bacterial fish pathogens present on the wild fish in Deriner Dam Lake in Turkey on the Coruh River were determined in the present study. In total 127 wild fish (6 different species) were sampled between August 2014 and April 2015. Followings were isolated as a parasitic pathogens: Apiosoma sp., Euplotes sp. , Gyrodactylus sp. , Dactylogyrus sp. , Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Ligula intestinalis, Trichodinella sp., Trichodina sp. and Vorticella sp. present on of the following fish: Alburnoides fasciatus ( Transcaucasian spirlin) , Squalius orientalis ( Chub) , Barbus artvinica (Barbell), Capoeta banarescui ( Banarescu’s barb) , Capoeta sieboldii ( Colchic khramulya) and Capoeta ekmekciae ( Grusinian scraper) . Also, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Shewanella putrefaciens and six Aeromonas and three Pseudomonas species were isolated. Seasonal prevalence values of parasites were presented. In total, 39 different bacteria were isolated. W idespread and massive deaths caused by pathogens were not encountered in the Lake . This study provides preliminary information regarding the wild fish pathogens of Deriner Dam Lake

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