
The aim of the present study was to isolate autochthonousmicroorganisms with biosurfactants capacities from the rhizospereof the cotton (Gossypium spp.), cachanilla (Pluchea sericea)and salicornia (Salicornia bigelovii) in the Mexicali valley. The biosurfactantactivity and biosurfactant productions by the strains isolatedfrom the rhizosphere of the cotton (Bs-Alg), cachanilla (Bs-Cach)and salicornia (Bs-Cach01) were determined using oil spreadingtechnique and emulsification activity with corn, olive, soybean anddiesel oils, respectively. The analysis of the 16S rRNA showed thatstrains Bs-Alg, Bs-Cach and Bs-Cach01 are closely related amongthem and with respect to all Bacillus subtilis with more than 99%similarity values. Results showed that all strains had biosurfactantactivity. However, Bs-Cach was the only strain that showed a significantbiosurfactant activity with all the vegetable oils and diesel. Finally,the isolation of a biosurfactant producing Bacillus subtilis strainfrom native plants of Mexicali valley displayed a substantial potentialfor production of biosurfactants that can be applied to food industry.

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