
There were identified priority pollutants in water of the Moscow river below the city (petroleum products, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper; anionic surfactants), which can affect the natural microbiocenosis of surface water. The presence in surface waters heavy metals - cadmium in a concentration of 4 MPC for fishery purposes, of lead at a concentration of 5 MPC for fishery purposes, oil at a concentration of 49 MPC, zinc at a concentration of 10 MPC for fishery purposes, anionic surfactants at the concentrations below the MPC, and also at excess of MPC by 5 times for chlorides, nitrites and nitrates to a large extent was established to affect the viability of indicator bacteria - coliforms, E. coli, enterococci, while maintaining in the water of pathogenic bacteria - Salmonella and parasitic pathogens living Entamoebae spp. and cystic viable vegetative forms of pathogenic protozoa Flagellata spp. and viable helminth eggs Larvae spp.

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