
AbstractSize, complexity, and human dependency on software--based products have grown dramatically during past decades. Software developers are struggling to deliver reliable software with acceptable level of quality, within given budget and schedule. One measure of software quality and reliability is the number of residual faults. Therefore, researchers are focusing on the identification of the number of fault presents in the software or identification of program modules that are most likely to contain faults. A lot of models have been developed using various techniques. A common approach is followed for software reliability prediction utilizing failure data. Software reliability and quality prediction is highly desired by the stakeholders, developers, managers, and end users. Detecting software faults early during development will definitely improve the reliability and quality in cost-effective way.KeywordsSoftware ReliabilityFault PredictionSoftware MetricsCapability Maturity ModelTest Case PrioritizationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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