
WELCOME TO OUR first issue of the Performance Improvement Journal (PIJ) under our new publisher, Allen Press! This issue also marks my first editorial as editor-in-chief, and of course once again forever grateful to Dr. Nancy Crain Burns, our previous editor-in-chief and ISPI president, whose leadership and guidance continue to drive our society's pursuit of performance excellence. As always, we also express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our associate editors and contributing authors who offer us such interesting and engaging perspectives from the field.As we endure the sweltering summer of 2022, I want to thank those of you who have been patiently waiting for this issue as we transitioned to our new publisher. With this new issue, we turn the page of our first 60 years as a society and look ahead to what may lie ahead. It is probably a good time to consider the foundational guidance upon which our professional work in performance improvement is built. So let's get back to basics by reviewing our 10 Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Standards. As you review them, ask yourself, how do these 10 Standards fit into my professional practice? Which of these have I found to be most helpful in accomplishing my work?Are there some of these that might need more attention or development among my professional repertoires?Competent practitioners follow the 10 HPI Standards in the practice of human performance technology (HPT). The first four standards are sometimes known as RSVP (how we think):Competent practitioners also follow a systematic process represented by the remaining standards (what we do):These are all available at https://ispi.org/page/CPTStandards. As ISPI moves forward with our collective efforts to further engage our membership, we will be looking to highlight these 10 Standards with our contributing authors as we encourage them to contribute and highlight our standards across the articles we publish. We would love to hear back from our readers to also learn how the authors and their submissions to PIJ have helped you to expand your range of available options for improving human performance. Let us know what you think as you examine their work in each issue's contributions. Here is a brief description of what you will find in this issue.In the second part of their two-part case study, “Linking Learning to Performance—A Sales Case Study: Part II,” Jaime Torchiana and Paul Elliott provide an overall context and analysis of a transformational project to connect learning to quantifiable metrics of performance improvement. What were the salient points as you read through this second part of the article? What questions do you hope might be answered in Part II?Colleen Clampitt and Syed Adeel Ahmed examine the current growth of electric vehicles in Louisiana and use that information to determine if Louisiana has enough infrastructure in place to meet the growing demand in their article, “Electric Vehicle Sales and Infrastructure Analysis.” What might prompt you to consider reaching out to either of these professionals? What benefits would you find most helpful from this type of communication and ensuing relationship?Once again, Judy Hale introduces and interviews two ISPI members so that we can all continue to learn more about our colleagues: thought leader Margo Murray, who serves as president and chief operating officer of MMHA The Managers' Mentor Inc., as well as our very own ISPI President Nancy Crain Burns, who has been leading the charge of our wonderful society over the last 2 years.Lastly, we share Ria Roy's timely reflections on “Empathy as a Panacea to the Great Resignation: Is Our Business Landscape and Its Leaders Capable To Accommodate for Real Empathy? Looking at Fundamentals of the Business Landscape During the Great Resignation.”We are always so grateful to have the opportunity to share diverse perspectives from so many talented and dedicated contributors to the PIJ! We are also thankful to our members and readers who look forward to reviewing the contents of each issue. We also hope we are continuing to engage our membership through our online events and our next annual conference in Virginia in April 2023!Do you have an idea for an article? Have you seen a great presentation that should become an article? Are you a little short on certified performance technologist recertification points? PIJ is actively seeking articles that cross the boundaries of domains, enhance creativity, introduce HPT-related innovations, or simply teach a new HPT tool or method. Readers enjoy seeing the application of performance improvement standards that will inspire them to action. Please submit articles at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pfi.Please send questions to pij@ispi.org. We look forward to seeing your contributions, comments, or questions. Again, thank you for reading!

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