
Coccolithophores are unicellular marine algae belonging to the haptophyte group, characterized by the production of intricate calcium carbonate plates that adorn their cells and exhibit species-specific morphology. The Adriatic Sea has historically been the type locality of numerous phytoplankton species, including coccolithophores. However, since the initial description, many species have not been recorded during the frequent phytoplankton surveys in the Adriatic Sea. This was mainly because these surveys did not use electron microscopy, which is necessary for accurate species identification. In this study, we re-evaluate the coccolithophore species lists using historical records and compare them with recent surveys in the coastal and open waters of the Adriatic Sea. In light of changes in nomenclature resulting from clarification of the species’ life cycles, we update the taxonomic list of coccolithophore species occurring in the Adriatic.

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