
Electrophoresis 2017, 38, 2827–2836. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201700152 The cover picture shows the first chromatographic separation of mixed viruses (Virus 1, 2, 3) and virus strains (Virus 2a, 2b) from each other by using methacrylate monoliths and weak anion exchanger, as described in the review “Application of monolithic chromatographic supports in virus research” by Krajacic et al. According to A260/280 ratios (full and dashed line, respectively), it is possible to attribute specific peaks to a certain viral morphology/structure, as demonstrated for icosahedral Tomato bushy stunt and Turnip yellow mosaic virus (Virus 1, 2), or rod-shaped, helically structured Tobacco mosaic virus (Virus 3).

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