
The temperate, generalized transducing phage ΦHD248 from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai (H-serotype 7) was shown previously to mediate transduction within subsp. aizawai and between subsp. aizawai and subsp. kurstaki (H-serotype 3a3b). Here it was found to have a broad host range, plating on 7 out of 14 H-serotypes tested. Cotransduction analysis using ΦHD248 revealed two linkage groups in H-serotype 7 : bio-2-his-2-met-1-cit-1-arg-2-lys-3 and trp-9-purC1-thi-1. Preliminary characterization of the ΦHD248 genome revealed a linear double-stranded DNA of 47.15 kb. A restriction site map is reported including a total of 10 sites for the enzymes BamHI, BglII, SalI and SstI Enzyme SalI was found to have a unique cleavage site which if not located in an essential region could be used as a cloning site. The ΦHD248 genome was also shown to lack cohesive ends and appears to have a partial circular permutation.

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