
The BaccuS is a proposal of framework intended to support the internalization of sustainability principles in the wine industry, enhancing the actors' performance in this sense. The framework was built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaucha (RS) and Vale do Sao Francisco (BA/PE) and preliminary studies which involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks' observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The BaccuS is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. The five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political- institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability) are articulated by eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. Each topic was unfolded in indicators. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory.

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