
Structures of three most stable conformers ( 1 C 4, 4 C 1, 2 S 0) of methyl 2- O-sulfo-α- l-iduronate monosodium salt have been analyzed by DFT using the B3LYP/6-311++G ∗∗ method. The optimized geometries confirmed the influence of both 2- O-sulfate and carboxylate groups upon the pyranose ring geometry. The computed energies showed that the chair 1 C 4 form is the most stable one. Time-averaged DFT-calculated proton–proton and proton–carbon spin–spin coupling constants agree with the experimental data and indicate that only two chair forms contribute to the conformational equilibrium of methyl 2- O-sulfo-α- l-iduronate monosodium salt. The influence of the charged groups upon the magnitudes of spin–spin coupling constants is also discussed.

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