
Environmental problems are essentially ecological problems. The core of environmental problems is the reciprocal relationship between living things and their environment. Therefore, wise development (especially in the environmental field) must be based on environmental insight as a means to achieve sustainability and become a guarantee for the welfare of present and future generations. carried out by companies or legal entities in addition to bringing positive effects, can also bring negative effects such as pollution or environmental destruction. This research is a normative legal research,which collects secondary data through literature studies, to obtain secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Primary legal materials are in the form of the 1945 Constitution, other laws, judges' decisions, which are relevant to this writing and research. Secondary legal material in the form of opinions of legal experts through textbooks, journals, articles, results of previous research, workshop papers, seminars, symposiums, discussions, magazines/newspapers, theses, dissertations, and others, which have something to do with the object of this research. Tertiary legal materials in the form of dictionaries and encyclopedias, relevant bibliographies and dictionaries. Field research was conducted to complement library data. The results of the study show that legal liability to the employer company due to negligence by the company accepting the work of B3 waste management in the event of environmental pollution is an unlawful act contained in Article 1365 of the Civil Code, Environmental Law Number 32 of 2009. which is stated in Article 87 (1 ). And the Minister of Environment Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards, or waste is processed according to the company's operational standards (SOP) as agreed between the managers of PT. Medco with companies. Furthermore, the waste that has been processed internally within the respective industries will be sent to the Installation.

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