
This essay argues that the vocalization of the very first word of Gen. 1.1 in the Masoretic Text (MT), bĕrēʾšȋ t, which is often thought to be in error in some way, may instead be the result of exegetical activity. Specifically, in light of the well-attested tradition that links Wisdom with creation both within the Bible and without, it is possible that bĕrēʾšȋ t in MT Gen. 1.1 participates in the line of interpretation that ciphers Wisdom as “Beginning” ( rēʾšȋ t) in light of Prov. 8.22. If so, the MT of Gen. 1.1 is not a grammatical error to be corrected, but an exegetical cross-reference, referring readers to Wisdom’s role in creation as known, inter alia, in Proverbs 8.

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