
To report improvement of azoospermia and hypogonadism after high-dose corticosteroid therapy in a patient with testicular sarcoidosis. Case report. University hospital. A 27-year-old man with testicular sarcoidosis and azoospermia. High-dose corticosteroid therapy was commenced in an attempt to improve sperm count and restore gonadal function. Analysis of sperm count, T, and gonadotropin response to steroid therapy. FSH and LH concentrations decreased and T levels increased in parallel with control of disease activity with steroid therapy. Repeat semen analysis demonstrated a significant increase in sperm count, allowing sperm banking to take place. High-dose corticosteroid therapy may be indicated in testicular sarcoidosis, not only for control of systemic disease activity but also for recovery of gonadal function and spermatogenesis.

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