
Deep-water acoustic tracking of marine mammals typically requires correlating hydrophone signals across both short and large-aperture hydrophone arrays. Here, we demonstrate how a single drifting, depth-controlled platform can obtain two and three-dimensional positional fixes of marine mammal sounds using an acoustic vector sensor and short-aperture arrays, both mounted on an autonomous drifting platform. In February and June 2023 two autonomous opto-acoustic drifters were deployed 50km off San Diego, CA at 250 m depth in 1030 m deep water. Both drifters were equipped with a CTD and acoustic recording system comprised of a 1.75 m aperture vertical hydrophone array, a tetrahedral hydrophone array, and either a 2-D Geospectrum M-35 or 3-D Wilcoxon VS-209 acoustic vector sensor. Throughout the two to three-day deployments, all acoustic sensors detected numerous marine mammal calls, including humpback whales and a pod of common dolphins. Estimates of azimuth and elevation were obtained from the simultaneously sampled acoustic vector sensor and hydrophone arrays, while multi-path and cross-platform processing were employed to extract range information. The results suggest that sparse deployments of drifting vector sensor platforms may be able to map biological distributions over spatial scales that would otherwise require larger numbers of hydrophone-only platforms. [Work supported by ONR TFO.]

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