
Összefoglalás. A kutatás célja olyan n-3 zsírsavakra alapozott takarmányozási módszer fejlesztése, ami javíthatja a nagy teljesítményű tenyészkocák termelési mutatóit, és ezáltal gazdaságosabbá teheti termelésüket. A kifejlesztett kiegészítő takarmányok hatásainak vizsgálata nagyüzemi körülmények között, több kísérletben, különböző dózisokban és eltérő időszakokban etetve történt. Az eredmények pontosabb értékelése céljából a hagyományos vizsgálatok mellett gyorsvizsgálati módszerek (pl. elektronikus orr) alkalmazására is sor került. A kísérletek eredményei alapján olyan etetési stratégia kidolgozása van folyamatban, amely hatékonyan képes kiegészíteni a magyarországi sertés késztakarmányok esszenciális zsírsavkészletét, és hosszú távon eredményesen javíthatja a tenyészkocák teljesítménymutatóit. Summary. The research aimed to develop a feeding strategy based on n-3 fatty acids, which can improve the production parameters of high-performance breeding sows and thereby make their production more economically advanced. To earn this, the effects of the developed supplementary feeds on the performance of sows and their piglets in several large-scale swine farm experiments, at different doses and periods were investigated. In the first trial, the effects of n-6 and n-3 fatty acid supplementation on the performance parameters of sows and the fatty acid profile of sow milk were examined. Besides traditional fatty acid analysis, a novel electronic nose method was also used. The control group received 10 g of sunflower oil-based supplementation rich in n-6 fatty acids per kg feed. Experimental animals received the same amount of fish oil as an n-3 fatty acid source. The diets were corn- and soybean meal-based. Supplementation of fish oil reduced the wean to oestrus interval (non-significantly) in the trial group and decreased the number of sows having oestrus later than seven days after weaning. The treatments did not affect the performance of the subsequent farrow of sows. Supplementation of fish oil significantly increased the amount of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5, n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5, n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3), in the milk (p < 0.001). The chemical composition of milk was not affected by the treatments. The electronic nose could separate milk samples collected from control and trial groups based on their odour profile. In the second trial, the effects of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on the performance parameters of sows and their piglets were investigated in a special nutritional situation when α-linolenic acid (C18:3, n-3) was already high in the sows’ compound feeds. The control group received no supplementation during the trial, but experimental animals received 5 g of fish oil-based supplement instead of linseed meal-based supplementation. The diets were corn- and soybean, and linseed meal-based. Supplementation of fish oil during lactation reduced the weaning mortality of piglets in the trial groups (1st replication: p < 0.00; 2nd replication: p < 0.04). Wean to oestrus interval decreased significantly in the case of the trial group in the 1st replication (p < 0.019) but was not changed in the 2nd. The rate of late oestrus, conception, and farrowing were apparently improved in the trial group in both replications compared to the control. The results of the subsequent farrow were also better in the trial group, where the number of live-born piglets increased in both replications compared to the recent farrow. Based on the results, a feeding strategy is being developed that can effectively supply Hungarian sow feeds with those n-3 fatty acids, which can improve the long-term performance parameters of breeding sows.

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