
According to the literature, the caterpillars of E. ochridata live on the following plants: Artemisia alba Turra, A. campestris L., A. scoparia Waldst. et Kit. and A. schmidtiana Maximowicz. This paper presents new hostplant record from Hungary. In 1968, the caterpillars of the species were observed on Artemisia annua L. They were placed in a breeding cage, where they pupated in sand. In the spring of 1969, the moths hatched. The authors re-examined these ex larva specimens. Based on the genitalia examinations it can be proved that the bred species is E. ochridata. Artemisia annua is an adventive plant species in Hungary introduced from East Asia. Nowadays it is widespread in rudelaria, roadsides, gardens, lowlands and stubble meadows. Artemisia annua is an important source for artemisinin, a potent drug for treating malaria. Artemisia annua is now cultivated in China, Vietnam, India, Romania, Kenya and Tanzania. The results are shown in seven figures.

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