
Malnutrition in children is a dangerous threat to any civilization. The reasons for this condition are complex. This issue is being addressed with extraordinary diligence. In this present circumstance Ayurved can assume a conclusive part and hence an undertaking was considered targeting working on the heaviness of malnourished kids. Charak samhita-a pillar for treatment reason in Ayurved has decribed fifty gatherings, each containing ten therapeutic plants, known as dashemaani that are profoundly unambiguous, condition situated plants. In the present study, as per principles of Ayurved, the malnourished children were considered in Kaarshya condition/ Ras, Rakta, Maansa dhatu kshaya i.e condition of depleted muscle and fatty tissue and treated in that congruence. Nine children were selected for the study. To rectify it Vidarikand-Ipomoea digitata, a herb indicated in Brimhaniya-(drugs which increase weight of body) and Snehopag (drugs that increase the unctuousness and which oleate the body) dashemani and YashtimadhuGlychrhizza glabra indicated in Jivniya (which increase vitality of body) and Snehopag dashemani were selected. A trial of combination of Yashtimadhu and Vidarikand for treatment of malnutrition hasn’t been carried out before but various research pointing towards their potential have done in an individual manner. Sonia et al in their paper “Ksheervidar (Ipomoea Digitata) an underutilised medicinal plant- an update “ have stressed its multiple use along with its nutritional values. In a similar way, a number of studies have been conducted on Yashtimadhu, such as Debrata das et al.’s paper “Protective effect of Yashtimadhu against side effects of radiation/chemotherapy in head and neck malignancies” (its counteracting effect against radiation). However, no study has been conducted solely on Yashtimadhu’s effect on weight gain, so the study was designed. In the ongoing review the outcomes got were very uplifting. Five kids were overhauled weight wise and different youngsters also showed moderate weight gain. An improvement in subjective criteria revealed drugs’ holistic effects. The aftereffects of this pilot project shows the immense potential Ayurved can propose in tackling in this grave issue and its enormous scope study and execution would be truly commendable.

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