
A skin rash that sometimes begins as a large spot on the chest, abdomen, hands or back followed by pattern of smaller lesions. Pityriasis refers to hypo pigmentation of skin. Pityriasis alba have symptoms like ill-defined patches, round and oval, often with mild scaling and sometimes with mild pruritus. They are most commonly noticeable in people with darker skin type. Clinical examination shows decreased melanin production in affected areas. Pityriasis alba is commonly caused by atrophic sebaceous glands, iron deficiency anemia, low level of serum copper and sun exposure. It occurs commonly in children aged 3-16 years with 90% of occurring in children younger than 12 years. An estimated 5 % of children in US may be affected. Studies have showed a higher prevalence in Egypt 18% and Mali 20%. There is no clear racial predominance of Pityriasis alba found. Duration of the rash is variable. According to Acharya Sushruta Sidhma Kustha is kapha pradhana vyadhi most commonly occurs in Urdhva kaya i.e., hasta, ura, mukha and lalata. Diseases start with mild kandu and result in formation of white thin patches without pain. A female patient of 24 years attended our OPD with complain of various circular, whitish, discoloured patches of irregular edges with moderate pruritis on bilateral upper limbs and neck root region anteriorly. Finally, on the basis of all sign and symptoms it was diagnosed as Sidhma Kustha. In treatment repeated Vamana karma and Virechana karma were done. Given treatment mainly pacifies kapha along with vata dosha.

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