
Herpes zoster is an acute viral infection of sensory ganglia and the corresponding cutaneous areas of innervations characterized by fever and localized pain with vesicular skin eruption over single dermatomes. The available conventional treatments such as the use of antiviral drugs, corticosteroids, and topical agents have certain limitations. The condition, if not treated in early stages, becomes a great challenge to the clinician due to a higher rate of complications such as the neurological sequel, palsy, stroke, and cardiovascular events. In Ayurveda, this condition closely resembles Pittajavisarpa. Gilbert's syndrome is an inherited condition in which the liver does not properly process bilirubin, which causes a slight increase in bilirubin level that can be correlated with Kamala (~jaundice) in Ayurveda. Visarpa and Kamala both diseases are Rakta-pradoshajaroga (~blood vitiated disorders). The principle of treatment is Raktapittanashak-kriya (~remedies which balance the Rakta and Pitta dosha). In this case report, a 20-year-old male patient, with Gilbert syndrome presented with herpes zoster was managed with Ayurvedic internal medications such as Sutashekhara rasa, Arogyavardhini vati, Kaishora guggulu, Avipattikara churna, Paripathadi kwatha, and local application of Shatadhouta ghrita. Improvement had been observed in symptoms and in skin lesions after 14 days, whereas hepatic biochemical parameters were restored to normal after 42 days of treatment. No adverse effect pertaining to the prescribed drug was reported during the study period, inferring that, Ayurvedic medicines offer a good approach to manage Rakta-pradoshajaroga.

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