
Dyslipidemia is among the most common lifestyle disorders characterised by a derangement in lipoprotein metabolism, which can lead to excessive production or deficiency of lipoproteins or both. Increased levels of atherogenic lipoproteins contribute to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, which in turn leads to coronary artery disease (CAD), cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), peripheral vascular diseases (PVD), etc. Dyslipidemia typically does not present with symptoms and often goes unnoticed until complications arise, such as myocardial infarction, triggered by the development of early atherosclerosis. In Ayurveda, lipid disorders are correlated with Medapradoshaja vikara.(diseases due to vitiated fat) Conditions like Medoroga,(lipid disorders) Sthoulya (obesity), Shonita Abhishyanda (increased sliminess and heaviness of blood) etc. are caused due to Dushti (vitiation) of Medodhatu.(fat tissue) Therefore; these conditions share similarities in their management approaches also. Ayurvedic strategies for addressing Medoroga involve treatments such as Rukshana (drying), Udvartana (dry powder massage), Ruksha-ushna basti (dry and hot medicated enema), Virechana (purgation), and oral medications like Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shilajithu (Asphaltum), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) etc. Contemporary science advises different classes of medications for the management of dyslipidemia. Most of the medications are reported to have adverse effects. Hence it is essential to find some safe and effective lines of management. This can be achieved through Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures as well as oral medications.

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