
Background: Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is the primary cause of visual loss in Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). The hyperglycemic state promotes the activation of multiple interlinked pathways leading to DME. The current guidelines in contemporary science recommend Anti VEG-F injections as the first line of treatment for this condition. Repeated Anti-VEG-F injections cause much financial burden on the patient and their family, at the cost of minimal visual outcome. From the signs and symptoms, it was diagnosed as Sannipataja timira according to Ayurveda. A 53-year-old male patient sought Ayurvedic treatment when his vision in the right eye did not improve after the injection of Accentrix for DME. His ophthalmologist advised him to repeat the injection after six months but did not assure him of complete resolution of edema. So, he opted for Ayurvedic treatment. His treatment comprised internal medicines consisting of Punarnavadi kashaya, Guduchyadi kashaya, Chandraprabha vati, Gomutra haritaki lehya; external treatments like Talpodichil with Punarnavadi churna and Pratimarsha nasya with Anu taila; Kriyakalpas (eye treatments) like Vidalaka and Anjana karma. At the end of 7.5 months of Ayurvedic treatment, his visual acuity improved from 6/60 to 6/6. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) affirmed the full resolution of DME. Ayurvedic treatment effectively reversed the process of macular edema, thereby bringing about marked visual outcomes in DME. Such patients shall be encouraged to go for Ayurvedic treatments, not the expensive and invasive Anti-VEGF injections.

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