
A chronic non- infective lipo- granulomatous inflammation of the blocked meibomian gland. An inflamed, blocked meibomian gland, typically on the upper eyelid, results in a chalazion (meibomian gland lipogranuloma). Ayurveda correlates it with Utsangini. Both Acharya’s Sushruta and Vagbhata provide an explanation of Utsangini under Vartmagatha Rogas. According to Sushruta, it comes under Tridoshaja / Sannipataj Sadhya Vyadhi. But even so, Vagbhata asserts that it is a Raktaja Sadhya Vyadhi.The overall prevalence of chalazion is 51% in adult .Both Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa are mentioned in care of Utsangini. In modern medicine, the therapies include intralesional corticosteroid injection and surgical drainage are advised. In this study, a 22-year-old male patient with a right eye redness, watering of eye and painless swelling of the right upper eye lid with heaviness presented to the Eye OPD of the Dr. DY Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune. Following the history and examination, chalazion was diagnosed. The patient received local treatment in kriya kalpa using Netra Parisheka therapy in addition to shamana chikitsa. As a result of the treatment remarkable improvement in all disease symptoms and signs was observed. So, the management of chalazion has been proven to be successful with Ayurvedic treatment.

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