
Cellulitisis an acute inflammatory condition of the skin that is characterized by localized pain, erythema, swelling and heat.[1] It is a common bacterial skin infection affecting the dermal and subcutaneous tissues, and poses significant challenges to modern medical treatments due to its recurrent nature and potential complications. In this case study, we explore the efficacy of Ayurvedic interventions in the management of cellulitis, presenting a comprehensive analysis of a single patient's experience. "Vranashoph" is the term from Ayurveda that refers to the inflammation or swelling of wounds or injuries. In Ayurvedic terminology, "Vrana" means wound or injury, and "Shotha" means swelling or inflammation. Here a case of a 32-year-old patient has been presented having cellulitis changes over left lower extremity. The patient had history of Accident 4 years back and after that inflammation and pain and difficulty in movement have been recurrent features. Jalaukavacharan was the choice of treatment .The procedure was done over 8 weeks which reduced the signs and improved the discoloration of the affected part. The case will be discussed here in detail.

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