
Atrophie blanche (AB) is typically described as a variable dimensioned (star shaped or polyangular), smooth, ivory-white plaques stippled with telangiectasis and is surrounded by hyper-pigmentation due to haemosiderin deposition. AB commonly occurs in middle-aged women on the lower legs or feet, often associated with ulcerations and chronic venous insufciency (CVI). These ulcers are slow to heal and painful. In this study, we reported a case of 34-year-old female patient suffering from Atrophie Blanche (Livedoid Vasculopathy) since more than 8 years complaining of erythmateous rashes on B/L lower limbs along with burning pain & hyperpigmentation. She had taken allopathic treatment for that but no relief was observed. Then she opted for ayurvedic treatment. Here, she was treated on the basis of principles of Vatarakta including Shodhana (Basti & Virechana) and Shamana chikitsa

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