
Cervical problems are very similar to Vata Vyadhi disorders. Thus, in the current investigation, in Vata Dosha Janya Vyadhi management by Brimhana Chikitsa is very effective. A disease known as Vishwachi has been described in Ayurvedic Samhitas as one of these illnesses. The symptoms of Cervical Radiculopathy, such as pain in neck region which is radiating to the upper limbs and sometimes restricted neck movements, have been explained in Internal Medicine books (Davidsons, Harrison). Vishwachi is a Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi. According to several Acharyas Ruja, Stambhata, Todan, Karmakshaya, and Chestapaharana of Bahus are symptoms that affects the cervical region and upper extremities. According to Acharya Dalhana, the treatment of Vishwachi is similar to Gridhrasi, a disorder that affects the unilateral or bilateral lower extremities and divided into two types: Vataja and Vatakaphaja. Vishwachi has symptoms which are comparable to Cervical Radiculopathy, a degenerative disorder of the cervical spinal part. Nasya Karma has been described as the treatment of Shirogata Vyadhis. Dhatukshaya is a main contributor of disease to the development of Vishwachi. Present study is an effort made to better understanding of disease and its management.

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