
Diabetes mellitus, especially Type-2 is one of the major non-communicable diseases with growing prevalence at the global level. Major contributory factors for diabetes are genetic predisposition, environmental factors, lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to a number of complications and food can be a powerful tool in preventing or reversing diabetes. Modern dietetics adopt a reductionist view in determining the diet protocol with emphasis on the macro as well as micronutrients in the food and overlooks the varied demands of the person consuming it. This is where India’s traditional medical system, Ayurveda can contribute with its holistic approach. Ayurveda advocates diet that is tailored to meet the needs of the individual. The dietary guidelines incorporate multiple factors comprising the prakriti (body composition), dosha (body humors), agni (digestive power), desa (place of living), kãla (age and season) and sathmya (homogeneity) of the individual. Following such a diet pattern in the long run will aid in preventing metabolic diseases, especially diabetes. In case of manifested diabetes, the management protocol is formulated based on the above said factors and consequently the diet also should be personalized. Differences in the metabolic demands among patients who are obese and non-obese warrants separate dietary guidelines for both groups. Hence a relook into the basics of ayurvedic dietetics and therapeutic approaches could enable researchers and practitioners to have fresh insights in the prevention and management of diabetes mellitus.

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