
In contemporary science, watery diarrhoea and Atisara are closely related. Ayurveda defines Atisara as excessive frequency and volume of watery stools passing, where Atisara is ATI (excessive) and Saranam (flow). According to folklore, Atisara first appeared as a result of eating flesh from cows and bulls. Agnidushti is brought on by the Guru and Ushna Guna of cow and bull flesh. Bhaya, Shoka and other Mansika Doshas, among others, develop Atisara. Atisara has Krimi as a significant cause. According to Ayurvedic science, Agnidushti is the main cause of Atisara. Agni's primary location is Grahani. Between Amashaya and Pakwashaya, it is located. Food particle digestion is incomplete when Mandagni is present. Ama is created as a result of this. Ama is considered like toxins or pathogens which is responsible for etiology of all disease. This Ama leads to vitiation of Vata like Saman Vata and Apana Vata Dushti. In Samyawashtha of Apana Vata is responsible for defecation, micturition, and Nishkramana of Shukra and Artava, A 9 year male patient diagnosed with Atisara and treated with Ayurvedic management.

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