
Cystoid Macular Oedema or CME is a painless disorder that affects the central retina or macula. It refers to the accumulation of fluid in the outer plexiform and inner nuclear layer of the retina with the formation of a fluid-filled cyst. The primary symptom of macular oedema is blurry or wavy vision near or in the centre of your field of vision. Materials and Methods: A male patient of 48 yrs. presented in Shalakya OPD of GAMC Bengaluru with symp- toms of diminished vision in his right eye for one year. The patient was diagnosed with cystoid macular oedema in the right eye for which he was given photocoagulation therapy but did not find much relief. So, he approached our OPD. After thorough examination patient was started with Ayurvedic Medicines. Result: The subject showed marked improvement both subjectively and objectively. Discussion: Oedema which is the terminus of the pathology in this condition has to be understood as Ekanga Shopha. Though Kapha is the predominant dosha involved in forming Shopha here, the lakshanas manifesting are that of Vataja Timira. So, in this case study, Kapha Vata Hara followed by Shopha Hara line of treatment is adopted. Keywords: Cystoid macular oedema, Shopha, Vataja Timira, Nasya, Punarnavadi Kashaya.

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