
Charka Samhita is considered one of the oldest ancient medical books among all literary. Charka explained fifty Mahakashaya in the fourth chapter of Sutra-Sthan namely Shadvirechanshtashreeya. Each Mahakashya are named according to their action, for example Balya Mahakashaya increases strength. Each Mahakashaya has ten drugs. Among the fifty Mahakashaya. Laghu, Ruksha, Aashu, Vishad, Vyavayi, Tikshna, Vikaashi, Sookshma, Ushna, Anirdeshyarasa[1] are the ten properties of poisonous drugs. Drugs which act against toxic effect of substances are called as Vishaghna.[2] Vishaghanamahakashaya shows the anti-toxic effect by treating of Rakta and Pitta Dushti. The term Vishaghana and detoxification are same functionally. Vishaghana Mahakashaya Dravya denatures toxins, neutralise toxins and excretes toxins from the body. It includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Suvahaa (Operculina turpethum), Sukshama Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Paalindee (Hemidesmus indicus), Chandan (Santalum album), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum), Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck), Sinduvaara (Vitex negundo) and Shleshmaataka (Cordia dichotoma). Vishghanamahakashya has large area of therapeutic uses. The objective of this review article includes discussing different aspect of Vishghanamahakashya in Ayurvedic and contemporary aspects.

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