
Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx, which affects in back of the throat. It is most often referred to simply as sore throat; it is one of the most common reasons for doctor visit. The condition is the usual phenomenon in paediatric population due to intake of cold drinks, junk food etc. This disease is more recurrent now a days than earlier As per ayurvedic classics the condition has close similarity with the disease Galagraha. Aim: In this article management of pharyngitis with ayurvedic modalities were discussed. Material & Method: A 32 years male patient visited ENT OPD of Shalakya Tantra, I.P.G.T&R.A Hospital on 16/12/2019 with complaints of pain and foreign body sensation of throat, Recurrent moderate cough, mild fever and head ache, difficulty in swallowing along with congestion in posterior pharyngeal wall aggravate since 10 days. He consulted a local hospital near his house but didn’t get a satisfactory relief. History reveals the reccurents of disease since 3 years. We started Triphala + Darvi kwatha kawala thrice/Day, Haritaki Kwatha pana Twice BD with honey (20 ml Before food), Khadiradi vati (2 Tab -4 times/ day) for Chushanartha, Sitopaladi churna -3gm +Yastimadhu 1 gm, Naradiya Lakshmi vilasa rasa-125 mg-2 times a day for 14 days Followed by Virechana and Nasya. Marked relief was found in signs and symptoms within 7 days and cured completly within 21 days of treatment. Conclusion: Study concluded that the above Ayurvedic treatment can prove to be an effective alternate management in Chronic Catarrhal Pharyngitis with proper diet and regimen.

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