
Ayurvedic interventions have largely been considered helpful in chronic debilitating conditions where active management of a clinical condition is not required. It is for this notion; Ayurvedic therapies have never been approached in any critical care condition requiring an active management. A perception that herbo-metallic components of various Ayurvedic drugs may actually harm the patients who are in compromised vital status has further added to this apprehension against use of such medicines in critical care. Contrary to the conventional belief, we observed a case of grade three hepatic encephalopathy with severely compromised liver function that was successfully treated with Ayurvedic therapy containing many heavy metal containing compounds. The liver function got improved in this case following the Ayurvedic intervention. The symptomatic improvements in this case were also identifiable through biochemical tests showing the functional status of liver. This case therefore is worthy of taking a note for possible inclusion of Ayurvedic interventions in critical care where Ayurvedic therapies are discarded without being given a chance of getting evaluated.

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