
Ayurveda considered human body as combination of Sharir, Satva, Indriyas and Atma. These all together forms various constitution of body, Sharir represents physical constitution, Satva, Indriyas and Atma governed activity of Sharir. Satva represents Manas constitution, it govern psychic and psycho-somatic manifestations. Indriyas associated with sensory functioning and Atma represent something that is subtle in nature and associated with divine power. Manas is responsible for mental functioning, which is greatly affected by Ahara and Vihara. Similarly Atma related with spiritual power that also govern moral attire of individual. The psychological and psychosomatic disorders mainly arise due to the improper functioning of Manas. The Manas Roga also associated with life style pattern and social behavior. The balancing state of Satva helps to cure Manas Roga and this state can be achieved by following rules of Ahara, Vihar, Pathya and Apathya. The spiritual well being or moral conduction helps to establish balances of Manas thus restrict pathogenesis of Manas Roga.
 Keywords: Ayurveda, Manas, Satva, Atma, Manas Roga

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