
1. Objectives- Ayurveda, a science of well-being has been dealing with a holistic approach towards every dis-ease since time immemorial. Diabetes mellitus has been described in Ayurveda as Prameha. Pre-diabetes, which is usually considered as purvarupa avastha (prodromal stage) of Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) is also viewed in the same manner. An effort has been made to compile all the non-pharmacological therapies that can have a therapeutic effect on Pre-diabetes. 2. Methodology- Detailed literary review was done by reviewing various Ayurvedic classical texts & databases. 3. Results- Various references were found in Ayurveda for non-pharmacological management of Pre-diabetes, which demarcates the importance rendered to lifestyle modification in today’s era. 4. Conclusion- Along with the various treatment modalities, pathya- apathya (wholesome- unwholesome foods), vyayama (exercise) & changes in the lifestyle has been well explained in the classical texts of Ayur-veda. In today’s accelerating world, the basic concepts & practices of Dinacharya (day wise social conducts) & Rutucharya (season wise social conducts) are easily ignored due to lack of time & laziness. Also, the die-tetics rules and methods, fibre rich & quality food has been replaced with fast food, fattening & sweetened foods. Also, Yoga, a precious gift to the Indian subcontinent remains less explored by the citizens of the country where this ancient science has had deep seated roots. A cultural shift from rural to urban has changed the food & lifestyle habits of the population as a whole. Also, the attitude of individuals has changed, from finding solace & satisfaction to being driven to the highest ambitions. All these factors are equally responsi-ble for disrupting the metabolism of the individual & causing various non-communicable diseases. Pre-diabetes is one such disease that can only be corrected with a modification in the lifestyle.

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