
Ayurved, the traditional Indian medicines remains the most ancient yet living traditions. Information technology is currently taking center stage and has transformed the entire world into a global market. Globalization and vast spreading competition all around have accelerated the need for knowledge and intensive work performance in all the sectors of economy. The globalization, product patency, intellectual property rights issues and most important bio-piracy are becoming major challenges in the traditional indigenous medical (TIM) system like Ayurved. Efforts to monitor and regulate Ayurvedic traditional medicines are underway. Existing Information and Communication Technology implementations are mostly and to be specific largely top-down in their flow of information i.e. from experts to target groups. Ayurved needs to be restructured globally to meet the rising demands of a cyber mobile society with the application of information and communication technology. This paper discusses the impact of IT and the advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in this scientific age .Therefore, Ayurved needs Ayur-informatics to keep pace with this modern world.

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