
Ozet Perianal bolgesinden yaralanan 26 yasinda erkek hasta genel cerrahi servisinde takip edilirken kasilmalari olmasi nedeniyle tarafimizdan konsulte edildi. Insaat iscisi olan hasta iki gun once perianal bolgeden demir bir cubukla yaralanmis ve ayni gun acil servisde sadece tetanoz asisi yapilmisti. Hastaya klinik olarak tetanoz tanisi konuldu ve yogun bakima alindi. Hastaya 5000 U insan tetanoz immunglobulini uygulandi. Kasilmalari olmasi nedeniyle diazepam infuzyonu baslandi. Hastaya yatisinda metronidazol baslanmisti ve tedaviye devam edildi. Takibinde mekanik ventilator ihtiyaci duyabilecegi dusunulerek baska bir merkeze sevk edilen hastanin 7 gun takip sonrasi komplikasyon gelismeksizin taburcu edildigi ogrenildi. Sonuc olarak; tetanoz uygun asilamayla onlenebilmesine ragmen gunumuzde hala sorun olan bir enfeksiyondur. Yaralanma sonrasi tetanoz gelisebilecegi akilda tutulmali ve tetanoz asisinin yanisira immunglobulin uygulamasinin da yapilmasi korunma da onemlidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Tetanoz, kasilma, immunglobulin Abstract A 26 year-old man who were followed up in a general surgical service as a result of perineal injury was consulted by us due to muscle spasms. The patient was a construction worker and had injured by an iron bar from the perianal region two days ago. In emergency department, tetanus vaccine had been only applied in same day. He was diagnosed as tetanus and admitted to intensive care unit. He was given 5000 U human tetanus immune globulin. Intravenous diazepam was given for muscle spasms. Intravenous metronidazole had been applied since the first day of hospitalization. We thought that he might need mechanical ventilation, therefore, patient was referred to another hospital. It was learned that patient had no complications and he was discharged on the 7th day of hospitalization. In conclusion, tetanus is still a problematic infection, although it can be prevented by vaccination. It should kept in mind that tetanus may develop after injury and in addition to tetanus vaccine, application of immune globulin is also important. Keywords: Tetanus, spasm, immune globulin

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