
This study has determined ontogenetic schedule of axonal arrival from the hypothalamus in the pituitary intermediate lobe (IL) in rats using 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) as a retrograde tracer. The brains with attached pituitaries were dissected in rats from the 20th embryonic day (E20) to the 20th postnatal day (P20). Anterior lobe was mechanically detached from the IL, material fixed in paraformaldehyde, and DiI crystals were applied on the IL laying on the posterior lobe (PL). The labeling of IL + PL resulted in staining of hypothalamic magnocellular neurons, which send their axons to the PL, and hypothalamic parvocellular neurons contributing to the innervation of the IL. Therefore, the magnocellular neurons were not taken into account when identifying the neurons projecting axons to the IL. Rare fluorescent neurons projecting their axons to the IL were detected as early as on E20 in the ventral part of the periventricular nucleus (Pe) and in the rostral part of the arcuate nucleus. Few DiI-labeled neurons were seen in Pe from P1 to P3. At P5, the fluorescent neurons were accumulated giving rise to the prominent cluster in the Pe, which was enlarged on later stages and occupied all the Pe. In addition to the Pe, fluorescent neurons first appeared in the retrochiasmatic region and around the ventromedial nucleus in young rats. Thus, the axons of hypothalamic neurons of the Pe and mediobasal hypothalamus first arrive in the IL in rats at the end of intrauterine development, although the principal innervation of the IL is the postnatal event.

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