
We study axisymmetric, free oscillations driven by gravity and surface tension at the interface of two viscous, immiscible, radially unbounded fluids, analytically and numerically. The interface is perturbed as a zeroth-order Bessel function (in space) and its evolution is obtained as a function of time. In the linearised approximation, we solve the initial value problem (IVP) to obtain an analytic expression for the time evolution of wave amplitude. It is shown that a linearised Bessel mode temporally evolves in exactly the same manner as a Fourier mode in planar geometry. We obtain novel analytical expressions for the time varying vorticity and pressure fields in both fluids. For small initial amplitudes, our analytical results show excellent agreement with those obtained from solving the axisymmetric Navier–Stokes equations numerically. We also compare our results with the normal mode approximation and find the latter to be an accurate representation at very early and late times. The deviation between the normal mode approximation and the IVP solution is found to increase as a function of viscosity ratio. The vorticity field has a jump discontinuity at the interface and we find that this jump depends on the viscosity and the density ratio of the two fluids. Upon increasing the initial perturbation amplitude in the simulations, nonlinearity produces qualitatively new features not present in the analytical IVP solution. Notably, a jet is found to emerge at the axis of symmetry rising to a height greater than the initial perturbation amplitude. Increasing the perturbation amplitude further causes the jet to undergo end pinch off, giving birth to a daughter droplet. This can happen either for an advancing or a receding jet, depending on the viscosity ratio. A relation is found between the maximum jet height and the perturbation amplitude. Hankel transform of the interface demonstrates that at large perturbation amplitudes higher wavenumbers emerge, sharing some of the energy of the lowest mode. When these additional higher modes are present, the interface has pointed crests and rounded troughs.

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