
The low energy field theory for N type IIA D4-branes at strong 't Hooft coupling, wrapped on a circle with antiperiodic boundary conditions for fermions, is known to have a vacuum energy which depends on the $\theta$ angle for the gauge fields, and which is a multivalued function of this angle. This gives a field-theoretic realization of "axion monodromy" for a nondynamical axion. We construct the supergravity solution dual to the field theory in the metastable state which is the adiabatic continuation of the vacuum to large values of $\theta$. We compute the energy of this state and show that it initially rises quadratically and then flattens out. We show that the glueball mass decreases with $\theta$, becoming much lower than the 5d KK scale governing the UV completion of this model. We construct two different classes of domain walls interpolating between adjacent vacua. We identify a number of instability modes -- nucleation of domain walls, bulk Casimir forces, and condensation of tachyonic winding modes in the bulk -- which indicate that the metastable branch eventually becomes unstable. Finally, we discuss two phenomena which can arise when the axion is dynamical; axion-driven inflation, and axion strings.

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