
In topology it is often profitable to characterize the algebraic invariants of spaces or morphisms by axioms. Of course, the most basic examples along these lines are the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for homology and cohomology [EiS], and in many cases there are axiomatic characterizations for more refined algebraic structures that exist in homology and cohomology. For example, axioms for the Steenrod cohomology operations appear in [EpS], and axioms for various sorts of transfers known in the nineteen sixties were described in unpublished work of J. M. Boardman [Bo]. In this paper we shall describe axioms for the bundle transfers considered by the first named author and D. H. Gottlieb in [BG2–3] and from a different perspective by A. Dold, M. Clapp and D. Puppe in [Cl, D1–3, DP]. Previous work of F. Roush [Rou] and L. G. Lewis [L] describes axioms for the special case of finite coverings and bundles whose fibers are compact Lie groups that act smoothly on the fibers; another axiomatic characterization of finite covering transfers appears in [BeS, Sect. 13]. The characterization in this paper is valid for topological fiber bundles for which the fibers and the bases are finite-dimensional compact ANR’s and finite CW complexes respectively. We shall also describe axioms for the homomorphisms in generalized homology and cohomology theories that are determined by bundle transfers.

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